
“Great innovations never come from above; they come invariably from below, just as trees never grow from the sky downward, but upward from the earth.” - Carl Jung, from The Spiritual Problems of Modern Man

Hi there, my name is Isa and I have been tarot reading for over five years.

My pronouns are she/her/hers

My Mission: To act as a guide for my clients in their journey to connect with their shadow selves and to assist them in their journey of self-actualization. Essentially: to make the unconscious conscious. 

I believe tarot tells us things we already know deep inside of us; I am just helping you bring it to the surface. Essentially, we will be performing shadow work together, working on those parts of us that are hidden deep within ourselves. Thus, Chthonic Healing was born. Chthonic (pronounced thonik) means “of our relating to the underworld.” By acknowledging, healing, and creating change in our internal world (our underworld), we can begin to successfully navigate and thrive in our external one (our upperworld). As below, so above.

Let’s light a torch

My Goal: To empower my clients to find and develop potential tools to ground themselves in their internal and external worlds. I blend my background in music and storytelling with my intuitive use of tarot, astrology, sound, and crystals to provide insight and facilitate the stepping stones for transformation. Remember: you have agency and autonomy over your life choices.

  • I am a spirit taught healer; this means I have not undergone any formal training or certification in my healing path. That being said, I have been working with tarot for over five years and have been doing intuitive and astrological work for over ten years. I believe that I am a vehicle for my ancestors, spirit guides, and energy around me. I am in a training course with Spirit and am open to any lessons they are willing to teach me. As a first-generation, Latin-American, I have a foot in two worlds. I am also working on breaking and healing the cycle of ancestral trauma, while trying to connect with and honor the complex relationships between my colonized and colonizer ancestors.

    Crystal and earth magic ground me; I have been sensing vibrations from crystals and nature since I was twelve years old. The Earth provides healing vibrations and rhythms; I advise clients on how to ground themselves and build mindfulness with crystals or their physical environments. I have been an astrology amateur since I was a teenager and use it as a way to better understand myself and others, particularly the deep-seated trauma and self-limiting beliefs we have hidden deep within ourselves.

    Through fifteen years of classical music training, I intrinsically understand the healing effects of music and sound. Singing, like intuitive work, is about maintaining the mind/body connection: a mindful, meditative state where the artist keeps one foot in the physical world while allowing the spirit to soar in the meta-physical one. My body is my instrument and as such, I have cultivated the philosophy of following what my body and gut need rather than what my brain and preconceived notions want.

  • Like most millennials, I have been obsessed with Greek mythology since I was five years old. As I grew older and shifted my focus to music, my obsession ebbed and flowed. Now in my thirties, I have begun a deep dive into all things relating to the Greek underworld, its deities, entities, and allegories. Since chthonic literally means relating to the earth or below the earth, I thought Chthonic Healing was the best name to go with!

    Moreover, I’ve got a lot of Earth in my astrological chart (Capricorn stellium babyyy) and have always found myself in liminal spaces. Being in tune with nature, the earth, my emotions and intuition has always been something that I’ve been curious about and interested in. As a child, I have always had “gut feelings” about people, their shadows, and how to bring them to consciousness for healing. Tarot has allowed me to explore these feelings through specific symbolism and narratives relating to each person I work with. I have found it to be an incredibly helpful tool for meditation during my darkest times, and I hope I can help you do the same.

  • My tarot work predominantly focuses on shadow work. This can include trauma, shame, resentment etc. A concept developed by Carl Jung, the “shadow” is characterized by what we or society perceives or experience as negative, such as greed, avarice, pride, anxiety, anger, etc. Sometimes, our inner child can be wrapped up in our shadow. As such, delving into the shadow can bring up untreated, emotional wounds and trauma. After a session, please take time to reground yourself in reality and be compassionate with yourself. If needed, please seek professional behavioral health help.

